The Moon is in Gemini until 11:38 PM, after which the Moon is in Cancer. The Moon is void from 6:24 PMĀ The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase. The Full Moon … [Read more...]
Astrology of Today – October 10, 2016
Today and tomorrow are strong for event timing. Mercury applies to a conjunction to Jupiter in Libra today, which is excellent for big picture thinking. It's also strong for negotiations and … [Read more...]
Astrology of Today – October 10, 2015
Summary: . The Moon is in Virgo all day (until Sunday, October 11th, at 4:45 AM). The Moon is void all day (since yesterday at 6:12 PM until tomorrow at 4:45 AM). The Moon is … [Read more...]
Astrology of Today – October 10, 2014
Summary: While the Taurus Moon generally brings steadier, calmer energy into our lives, Taurus's ruler, Venus, is challenged tonight (and early tomorrow), suggesting a strong need or desire … [Read more...]